A manual of false myths: Exercise & Health


In this Ebook you will find the answers to the 16 proposed myths. Each myth is solved with an original infographic, which uses a simple language adapted to all audiences.

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What myths are included in this Ebook?
Is localized fat loss possible?
The more I sweat, the more fat I lose
Can muscle soreness be cured with water and sugar?
Swimming helps relieving back pain
As woman, I am not going to train strength because I do not want to look masculine
With this supplement I will burn fat…
My son is very good at playing football, he will be the new CR7 or Messi
Should you stop exercising with age?
A beer after training is the best wat to hydrate
I am not very motivated today, I better do nothing…
I feel a side stitch in my stomach… maybe I drank too much
The more I train, the more I will improve
Today I have no time to exercise, I hace to study…
I can only lose weight by doing cardio
I broke my leg… now I can not train
HIIT is the most effective method for losing fat!

In this Ebook you will find the answers to the 16 proposed myths. Each myth is solved with an original infographic, which uses a simple language adapted to all audiences.


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  • Nombre de la tienda: PildoraBreve
  • Vendedor: PildoraBreve
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